I tried to use this app, and I thought this app would be nice and friendly, but the app is too buggy. I really hate that because once I turned my phone into sideways, the app closed and kick me out. I tried to tap the app so I need to use it, but it turned black. Now, it restarts my phone and I have to wait 5 minutes for the app to start loading. Please fix that! Also, order of operations is what you need to work on! 5+3*2 does not equal to 16! The answer is 11! Oh, you think that since addition come first in the problem, then you add first? Dont you learn that from school? I guess that you werent pay attention when the teachers taught you math. Is that true? If no, then why you dint even know order of operations. Now, I am your teacher. You use PEMDAS as your order of operation. This stand for Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. Or Parentheses, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. You do parenthesis first. Then exponent. You either do division or multiplication first if they appear first. You do it before addition and subtraction. No matter if addition or subtraction comes before multiplication or division, you always do them BEFORE addition and subtraction. Again no matter if addition and subtraction comes first, you do one of them in the order from left to right. Do you understand me? If no, then piaaaa
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